Review the "Insurance Expiration Date" column to be sure your vendors insurance is current on the date of
A permit must be obtained prior to any vendor entering an OC Parks facility.
A permit application must be submitted at least 30 days prior to your event date or, if all vendors are on the vendors with verified insurance list, the application is required to be submitted no less than 14 days prior to your event date.
If any of your vendors who are conducting business in the park are not on the vendor list below, they will need to provide insurance that complies with all County of Orange Insurance Requirements. That insurance will need to be sent to our permits office and verified by one of our Permit Coordinators.
Company | Primary Service Vendor Provides |
Insurance Expiration Date |
Phone |
To submit your completed application in person, visit the Permits Office located at:
County of Orange/ OCCR
OC Parks Permits
13042 Old Myford Road
Irvine, CA 92602-2304
Business Hours: Mon - Fri : 8:00AM - 4:00PM
For general information and permit application forms, please visit our website at:
Permit fees vary on the type and size of the event.
Permit /Insurance questions can be directed to Kellee Vessey 949-585-6447, Debbie Bustos 949-585-6463, Sandra Reynaga 949-585-6430
To make park reservations or obtain park contact information visit Permits are required for all vendors entering the park and must be on hand for review by Rangers during regular park hours.